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tools:crobi:speak_with_animals [2024/10/14 10:36] – created Ron Helwigtools:crobi:speak_with_animals [2024/10/14 21:54] (current) Ron Helwig
Line 1: Line 1:
 ==== Speak with Animals ==== ==== Speak with Animals ====
-section | <spell school> 1st Level Divination\\ +section | 1st Level Divination\\ 
 property | Casting Time | 1 Action\\  property | Casting Time | 1 Action\\ 
 property | Range/Area | Self\\  property | Range/Area | Self\\ 
  • tools/crobi/speak_with_animals.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/10/14 21:54
  • by Ron Helwig