==== MechaKirby's Magic Ammo ==== section | Evocation Cantrip\\ property | Casting Time | 1 Bonus Action\\ property | Range/Area | Touch\\ property | Components | S,M (One item of ammunition for the weapon, which gets consumed.)\\ property | Duration | 1 Round\\ property | Attack/Save | None\\ text | As a bonus action you place an item of ammunition into a ranged weapon. The ammunition disappears and is replaced with a magical replica. Until the beginning of your next turn the weapon is always loaded (you ignore the Ammunition and Loading properties) and you may fire it as many times as normal rules allow. Each time the weapon is fired, a new magical replica appears.\\ text | Each item of ammunition does 1d4 of whatever type the material component ammunition was and fire damage of 1d4 plus the caster's spellcasting modifier.\\ fill | 1\\ description | At Higher Levels | This spell's base and fire damage both increase by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).\\