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Combining Draugr, the undead creatures of Norse mythology, with veiki, meaning sickness. This name suggests that the disease is directly related to turning living creatures into undead horrors.

This disease originates from the fallen meteor and seems to carry both a physical and magical component. It first weakens the body, spreading through bites or physical contact with infected creatures, and can eventually cause a horrifying transformation into an undead (draugr) state.

Progression of the Disease

Stage 1: Fever and Weakness

Infected creatures show symptoms of exhaustion (gaining one level of exhaustion that cannot be removed by resting), muscle weakness, and fever within 24 hours of contracting the disease. At this stage, the disease is magical and can be cured through spells like Lesser Restoration or Lay on Hands, or by succeeding on a DC 16 Medicine check.

Stage 2: Physical Corruption

After several (1d6) days, infected creatures experience skin discoloration, visible decay, and a deterioration of mental faculties. Their Constitution is reduced by 2 points. They also lose control of their emotions, becoming increasingly aggressive. This stage can be reversed by stronger magic (Greater Restoration), though healing at this point becomes more difficult. Casting Spare the Dying once per day on an infected creature will prevent progression to Stage 3 for 24 hours. Gentle Repose works as expected on infected creatures even though they are not dead yet - preventing further decay for 10 days.

All creatures in this and following stages can spread their affliction through biting another creature. Creatures that are bitten must make a Constitution Savings Throw to avoid infection.

Stage 3: Undeath

If the disease progresses unchecked, the creature eventually dies and is reanimated as a zombified version of itself. Once transformed into an undead, the disease takes root in their corpse, and their mind is entirely lost. They become aggressive towards all living creatures.

When a creature progresses into undeath, they gain the following abilities.